Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vigilante Justice

My friend Daren e-mailed me this clip. It was named Vigilante Justice. I thought fitting since we just spoke recently about vigilante justice on Son's of Anarchy. This clip is also great because it addresses the upcoming election. It's from the show Boston Legal. I must admit, I don't watch the show religiously, but have caught a few episodes while channel surfing. This clip alone may sway me to want to watch it more often.

I could not embed the clip so it will take you away from my site to watch it, but you get higher picture resolution anyway.


Son's of Anarchy Episode 6 review

Review Back by popular demand.

Some comments I received, both on the site, and in e-mails requested that I not stop the episode review.

It appears some folks like to leave, and read the comments.


As I watched episode six, I was quite intrigued by a few things. I have questions. Do you have answers?

1.) Do you think the Feds. would not look at the Sh*t truck?

2.) Joker brought this up before, but it really stood out to me in this episode. Just exactly WTF is up with the bright white tennis shoes?

3.) Why does Clay's wife put up with him banging other chicks, as long as she does not see them?

4.) Did anyone actually stick around to witness the gun runner expolsion to make sure they were actually dead?

5.) Last but not least. I've noticed that they wear flannel shirts under their biker vests a lot.
Is this normal. I guess if so, I can see why those of you who do wear the biker vest do. You can make just about anything look "biker" in one of those.

Son's of Anarchy Episode 7 review

Where does all my time go. I posted 6's review, then another regular post, and here we are at review #7 already. I guess I was really busy last week.

Well let's get to it....

I guess the Wackadoo A.T.F. agent Coehen got his Huh?
I love how the FBI agent wasn't able to pin anything on Jax.
Justice (vigilante justice) was served on a silver platter, or wait was that through a plate glass window?

I have a new liking for the prospect, and a new respect for his character. That scrawny little dude can kick some ass in the boxing ring. Funny how the fight ended after the prospect got a little angry seeing Clay and his girl. I loved it when clay thumped his own forehead like duh, I coulda had a V8, then he says "My Bad".

"The rest stays buried."
I wonder what the rest is?

Yamaha X1R Black Bird

Yamaha X1R Black Bird racing

last week, float building, painting, fishing, and riding

This past week was a busy one for me. I took a weeks vacation just to have some me time, and burn some vacation hours before I lost them. I wanted the time off while still warm enough to ride.

I typically do this once a year. 'Bout the same time each year.
I usually end up working on some kind of project such as landscaping around the yard, painting a room inside the house, remodeling, doing a custom paint job or such. All are things which I rarely find time to do unless I do take vacation time to make them happen.

This time was really no different and left me very little time to ride my motorcycle as I had wished. Oh well, such is life.

I worked on painting a parade float for the figure skating club which my kids belong to. A few men on the figure skating clubs board and I built it the weekend prior to my vacation. With my painting skills, I allowed myself to get sucked into painting the float. (Did you know it takes up an entire week painting and custom painting graphics and lettering on O.S.B. chip board?" (neither did I). Lesson learned. Note to self...Remember this is ever asked to paint another float. I'll post pictures of the float when it is re-assembled.

While spending almost the entire week in my garage working on said float, I did manage to get out here and there for breaks. I took a few photos of the fall colors turning.

I might have gotten out Friday afternoon for about an hour and a half on my birthday to wet a line.
On the way, I was in such a hurry to finally hit the lake and fish, that I got pulled over for speeding. The very nice officer gave me a warning for my birthday! (Thanks officer!)

Saturday was a beautiful day. I hooked up with one of my best friends, and went for a ride on the "Frost Your Nuts Run". Great turn out, great weather. It did rain that day, but only upon returning homeward, two miles away from my house. Just enough to get the bike dirty before pulling it into the garage for the day.

So the lack of being there in the blog world last week is due to my being busy doing the things I do when not blogging, or working. Hope your week was good.

Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Laurie and Terry

Here are my Pictures of the Week as displayed on the Motorcycle Views Website. These are taken from the Moto Pic Gallery.

See Laurie on her 2008 Yamaha V-Star Silverado 650. Also see Terry on his 1998 Suzuki RM250. For details, see Motorcycle Pictures of the Week.

If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Habitat for Humanity Ride - I Ride for Jane

Since the death of my wife, Jane, just 49 days ago, I've received a "circle the wagons" type of protection that never seems to leave me. I receive telephone calls almost every evening from my three grown children wanting to know how I am, what has happened that day, and if there's anything they can do for me. Well, my family has tried to stay close in the past but this new communication blitz is different. I guess it is expected when a tragedy occurs that affects all members of the family equally. Before, telephone calls from the kids were normally short calls taken after the kids had already talked to their mother and just wanted to ask me for some kind of advice that only a dad can give. Now, the calls are very personal lasting from 20-60 minutes with all subjects fair game. In a way, this is kinda nice.

In addition, the motorcycle community has been providing me with a zone of security when I ride. For example, the members of my Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) chapter often go on dinner runs. They try their best to make sure that I'm getting out of the house on a regular basis and getting a decent meal so I get calls to remind me that an event is coming up. Such was the case when I got called to go to Big Ed's BBQ on October 2, 2008. Mike calls and says that they will be over to pick me up. That means that at least two motorcycle riders will show up in my driveway at an appointed time. I pull my trike out and fall in behind the lead rider while the second rider falls in behind me. I am now in the protected position. All moves in traffic are communicated over the CB radios we have on all the bikes. Lane changes are announced as the rider in back seizes the lane first and then notifies me and the lead rider to move over. We move as a unit with military precision. This is a very neat way to travel.

We had a great time at Big Ed's and on the way back to my house -- again in the protected mode -- Mike says over the CB, "You know, we'd really like to see you come out this weekend for the Habitat for Humanity Ride."

I knew about the ride. It was to be an escorted ride of up to 1000 motorcycles. Each rider had to register and make a donation or get sponsors to pledge money for their participation in the ride. The goal was to raise enough money to buy materials to build a new house for a disabled military veteran in the Freehold, NJ area -- a worthy cause, indeed.

I told Mike, "I'll think about it."

Mike came back with, "Well, listen Walt, this will be a great ride and you won't want to miss it."

The wheels in my head were going round and round as I arrived home and said my farewells and thanks for the escort to Mike and his wife as they headed back to their own home five miles away.

There were only two more days until the Habitat ride and I hadn't registered or donated anything yet. So I got an application by emailing another chapter member, "Just Bob."

I decided that I would ride my wife's white 1998 Honda Gold Wing Motor Trike with the pegs down in her honor. Jane was going to take this ride with me.

On Sunday, October 5, 2008, I rode Jane's trike -- without any security detail -- two miles to where we were to assemble at 8 a.m. This picture was taken just after I arrived at the chapter staging area. You can see the white trike on the right. Note my red helmet on the seat with special tiger ears and tail affixed. My chapter, known as F-Troop, often rides with these tiger ears and tail to attract attention and be seen better (and to just have fun). Jane always wore these so I wore them also for this ride.

One of the members of F-Troop, known as Blondie, likes to carry the tiger tail and ears to its extreme manifestation and rides with a full-size tiger character in the pillion position. Also, note the tiger ears and tail on her helmet.

After all the F-Troop riders had arrived, we rode over to the main parking lot at the local theater and parked up front so as to be near the beginning of the parade. Seen in front of the two columns of F-Troop bikes is "Just Bob."

There were several people who wanted to ride in the parade but were not motorcyclists. A few sidecar rigs were provided to give these folks a ride to remember. Here is another Bob with his sidecar top up, waiting for a guest passenger.

The parking lot quickly filled up with motorcycles. Riders registered, got coffee and donuts, and chatted waiting for the opening ceremonies.

Here's a closeup showing F-Troop members in red.

Here's a picture up front showing the mass of machines.

There were many beautifully painted motorcycles with military themes. The following two pictures show one such motorcycle.

The color guard formed and a young woman prepared to sing the National Anthem.

A local priest gave the invocation and blessing of the bikes and prayed for a safe ride for all.

Then the ride began. This was an escorted ride. That means that all traffic on the side streets is stopped and the police stand at all traffic lights and stop signs to allow us to pass without stopping.

The problem with parades of this sort is that the riders in front will get way ahead of the riders in back forcing the riders in back to speed up to extremely high speeds to keep up. Therefore, it's necessary for riders in front to go slower to keep the group together.

We proceeded on a route through western Monmouth County that covered approximately 70 miles before turning onto the Route 33 Bypass at Millhurst Mills. From there it would be a straight ride for 5-6 miles before leaving that road and winding around country roads to reach the destination at the Colts Neck Firehouse on Route 537.

But before that, we traveled over scenic, winding country roads past horse farms and protected farm land. F-Troop members had a great time chatting on the CB about various points of interest along the way and making jokes and side comments. It was a great way to spend a fall Sunday afternoon.

At times, we were in open areas with curves both ahead of us and behind us. You could look forward and see 50-100 bikes winding left and right in front of you and you could look in your rear view mirrors to see similar movements behind you. There were no interspersed cars, just motorcycles for as far as the eye could see in front and to the rear. Quite a sight!

When we arrived at Millhurst Mills and turned onto the Route 33 Bypass, there was some confusion and slowness of the motorcycles ahead of me. When I turned onto Route 33 and headed east, it was a straight stretch of highway and since our speed was well under the speed limit, the bikes had bunched together in a mass formation. It was beautiful. A solid mass of machines tightly formed and moving with precision. I thought of Jane whose spirit was riding with me in the pillion seat. She would have loved this ride. She loved formations like this that displayed the beauty of motorcycling to non-riders. I had to wonder what the people in the cars on the other side of the road were thinking seeing a solid mass of motorcycles traveling in the other direction. Would they know that we were out raising $55,000 to build a house for a disabled veteran? Probably not. We were the ones who knew what we were doing and that's all that mattered. Did anyone know that I was riding with Jane's trike and Jane's spirit on the back. Not a chance. But I knew and many of my fellow riders knew. That's all I cared about.

When we arrived at the Firehouse and parked on the grass, we lined up for a great lunch put on by a local restaurant, The Cabin. Here's a few pictures of that scene.

It was announced that $55,000 had been raised by the ride and that was enough to buy the materials to build a house for a disabled veteran. Also, there had been 767 bikes in the ride -- a new record.

Here's a picture of that great F-Troop group that accompanied me on the Habitat Ride. That's me, second from the left. Jane wasn't riding with me this year but her spirit surrounded us for the whole trip and made her trike run the smoothest it's ever run.

Thanks Jane for 47 years of wedded bliss. It was quite a ride. Godspeed.

All pictures ©2008 Walter F. Kern